It does appear at first glance the more expensive cartridges do not have a replaceable stylus.
Some styli cost more than complete cartridge if exotic materials used, such as Beryllium, Boron, Sapphire, Ruby .... cantilevers with advanced profiles. Replacement stylus can cost $500-1000, especially for rare cartridges.
Even brand new Jico replacement styli cost $300-500 easily when it comes to SAS profile and Sapphire, Ruby, Boron cantilevers.
Replacement styli for MM and MI with conventional aluminum cantilever are much cheaper.
If SoundSmith factory stylus replacement is inexpensive (normally 20%)t hen some other manufacturers do not hesitate to change you over 60% of the retail price again when you need only new stylus. The problem is that some cartridge without user replaceable option cost $12000 and when you must pay 60% again they got you! This is the same business model they use for MC, it’s a nonsense in my opinion.
Basically great high-end MM/MI stylus is just about $300 and you can buy as many as you wish for entire life.