Speakers for EL34 amp: $1,500 - $2,000

Looking for floorstanding or stand mount speakers that work well with EL-34 amp (approx. 40 watts). Price range: $1,500 - $2,000 new or used. Transparency, Soundstaging and Tonality are most important. Musical taste is varied, with a heavy dose of female vocalist, Jazz and tasteful pop. Room is 14' x 12'. Thanks for your suggestions.
I had Tekton Lores in a similar sized room with SET and with PP EL84s, but never EL34s. My taste in music sounds similar to yours, but my emphasis would probably be tonality above all. Never got good soundstage with any speakers in that room.
Von Scweickert VR2s if you can find them used worked really well with exactly the same type tube amp you are describing. The Prima Luna, amongst others, is an amp in that categaory and I would be surprised if you don't get a bunch of suggections. You might get even more recommendations, if you used the amps actual name.