Is Luxman a poor man's D'Agostino ?

Both separates and integrateds.
What do you think ?
Better is always better. D'Agastino will always be better. Nothing wrong with Luxman. They are both stellar in their own rights. Most of us would be privileged to own either. 
I like both D'Agostino and Gryphon appearance, and absolutely hate DarTzeel's. Other Swiss look okay to me.
Don’t like D’ Agostino. Heared them. In Munich with S. Faber: not my cup off thee.. if you want a good amp. ( most natural sound): Ear by “de Paravicini”. Wavac 805m, Audio Note. In transistor: Soulution, Nagra ,Playback, CH,...
Forget D’Agostiono, just get Burmester amps, or integrated amp.That is a better comparison.