Is it possible that tubes actually get better with age?

That part of the reason NOS tubes sound better is that, like wine, they evolve?  What do you think, audiogon?
Maybe the OP is asking if unused tubes sound better as they age like cellared wines.
Yes, as a matter fact tubes do improve with age. But only if they have been cellared and not exposed to high heat. Just don't commit the faux pas of so many novices, tube rolling. Never! In order to fully develop the sound stage and harmonic richness they must be carefully decanted, and allowed to breathe. 
MC you kill me.. NO they just wear out, hopefully they sound good ALL the way until they are a nubbin'. I just ran a set of 16 GL into the dirt. 2-5% all that was left in the tank.. They sounded BAD at the end, BUT didn't fail.
Sounded like I had a hoodie pulled over my head listening.
