What 50wpc or higher amps have a totally different sound from Pass Labs, in a good way?

I have pass labs xa30.8, it’s awesome, but have no idea what’s considered it’s yin to the pass’s yang sonically?
@erik_squires and a couple others on here have said Ayre and Luxman. I agree 100%. I just had a Pass X150.8 in my system to try. It's very, very different than the Ayre V-5xe I have. I know the Ayre isn't new by any means but I've had newer Ayre here and the sound signature is very similar. I could live with either easily but I think system matching may, and I emphasize may, be more important with the Ayre than the Pass. It seems the Pass would sound good with most anything. Maybe that's why it's so widely liked.
I will add that I think an Ayre preamp with a Pass amp may be close to a perfect combination. Just a hunch as I've never heard it.
Got to say, ayre gear is sounding very intriguing. Where in their line is the sweet spot for preamp, power amp?

Also, I've been digging the octave v110 as a contrast to the pass. Fuller more authoritative sound. Bypassing it's preamp section with me EAR 868 is sounding really good. Still have some tube rolling to do, but it's an intersting yang to pass yin so far. 
At the moment Ayre has no lower priced (under $10k) amps or preamps, just an integrated. The EX-8 is an all-in-one if you get every option (they’re boards that can be added or apparently upgraded in the future) for about $8k. I think that’s a bargain for what you get. They also have a $13k integrated that is latest spec. My dealer says they’re coming out with some lower priced stuff in the 8 series line, their least expensive. I have their older V-5xe and have had the K-5exmp preamp in my system and, for $2000-$2500 used I can’t imagine finding better if you like their sound. I preferred the V-5xe to the PassX150.8 in my system and to my tastes using the preamps I had/have.
“Well, there's a "sound" to Pass. I know, it's what I have. And wouldn't call it dead neutral. There are many ways to retain top sounding SS without it being only Pass”

I agree.. The Pass house sound is to the right of neutral, leaning towards warm. This works out well for me and most music I listen to.
I also attribute that warmth to the MOSFETs used in his designs. I tried Class D amps. My last iteration was the Ncore hypex in the bel canto ref600 monos. They’re very dynamic and all, but not to my tastes. I went SS because after many decades with tubes and their issues, I’d rather not deal with it anymore.. 
as to the OP question, I would say the yin would be an early model Krell from the 80’s with bipolar transistors. Sterile, bright and edgy.