Teo, nice piece of writing. You realize it’s all assertions on your part, I’m sure. But you have left us all hanging. Is there any piece of commercial manufactured equipment that meets your very high stipulations? Or are you saying the wave kinetics unit does that? You talk about our sensitivity to odd order harmonic distortions. Does it matter if solid-state devices produce odd order distortions, if the level of those distortions relative to signal is extremely low, lower if done well than that of tube- based phono stages? If a tube-based phono stage were to have the band width that you deem to be necessary, then it would also be able to produce odd order harmonic distortions on out to super high frequencies, which might be a downside, or not. Alan Wright who designed some very fine phono stages wrote a booklet on this subject, where he also was in favor of very wide bandwidth in (tube) phono stages. He claimed to hear a difference between 1MHz bandwidth and 750kHz, using his RTP3C phono. The RTP3C used a balanced hybrid cascode input stage, a bipolar transistor on the bottom and a high Gm tube on top. This gives huge gain, very low noise, and megahertz bandwidth, not to mention balanced operation. Best of all, it could drive both tube and Ss purists nuts, because it was both. I’ve never heard the RTP3C, but I’d like to.