If you hopped into your time machine and brought back audio gear- what would it be?

So you have a time machine and you could go back to the days when you first started to get interested in and knowledgable of good audio gear- and a genie grants you one audio wish- you can bring back any single component from those halcyon days- what are you coming back with? 
 had a pair of ElectrVoice Interface C's back in the 70's, 2 way horn system that really sounded good with my Mac 6200 integrated. Would love to hear that today.
Proper Disco ball with accompanying lights and one more ball with lights built in.

They don't build them like they used to.
I’d go way back for a brand new top of the line Gramophone  to bring back with me.  Like the one Quentin Collins used to listen to. 
...go a little further back and kidnap Nipper, the RCA dog...

For extra Reality Distortion points, take him back with some Bluetooth ear buds and a SOTA player....

(Warm up the Tardis....)