Rogers High Fidelity Integrated amplifiers

I see used models listed for sale at a'gon and other audio sites quite often. However, whenever someone asks for opinions in the forums, the usual suspects are Primaluna, Rogue Audio, Raven Audio, Line Magnetic, Quicksilver, etc., but I hardly see anyone recommending Rogers. I wonder why that is. From what I understand, they're made in the US (I know, doesn't necessarily imply better quality) and the prices are quite reasonable.

The other thing I noticed was that unlike Primaluna or some other brands that get snapped up quickly, the Rogers amps tend to stay listed much longer.

What gives?
tiny company
narrow product line
relative newcomer (10 years or so)
NOT affiliated with the esteemed rogers of the uk of bbc ls3/5a fame
quite good, but short of 'great' products by reviews i have seen iirc (i have not had one personally)
@jjss49 This makes sense. But at the same time, I see other small'ish companies like Rave Audio that fit the description, and just like Rogers, not too many reviews but they seem to get a lot of 'word of mouth' type of push especially here on this site. I was just curious and have no affiliation with Rogers whatsoever.

It would be nice if a Rogers owner can chime in.
Hi--This is Roger from Rogers High Fidelity. Let me know what questions I can answer for you. Regarding time on the used sites, that is likely due to the transferability of our legendary lifetime warranty. The sale needs to go thru us or one of our authorized dealers to maintain the chain of custody. We absolutely service all of our gear but it needs to come back to us to re-instate the warranty. We also sell certified used and demo gear directly so I think many folks enjoy dealing with the factory. Regarding the comment about a "narrow" product line---we build what sells---what customers want. Integrated amps are hot today much better fit for younger, space and money constrained enthusiasts. Our reviews have been good and all of our customers stay satisfied---probably why there isn't much product in the used markets. With lifetime warranties, folks tend to keep our artisan made products---Roger