I recommend getting a phono stage for the long haul, like a Sutherland that has good adjustability/flexibility so you can use a wide variety of cartridges. Wait until your cartridge stylus wears out and then get a new one that has styli that can be swapped to keep costs down, unlike Ortofon.
The Sutherland Insight lists for $1750 with a linear power supply (LPS). If you're lucky, you can find a used one and upgrade the LPS board for $350. That's what I did. There are dealers that will discount 15% so you're looking at about $1500. My integrated had a fine phono stage that had a toggle switch inside the box that went back and forth from MM to MC. That MC wasn't nearly as good as the Sutherland. It amazed me with my MC cartridge. I didn't know for 9 years since I got the MC cartridge the difference it could make. The LPS upgrade was a subtle improvement if anything, but Ron Sutherland himself recommended it so highly he said if it was his brother, he'd tell him to do it, so I did. He is a very nice guy and I am sure he didn't care about the $350 LPS board he sold me. If $1000 is a hard limit, just get a used Insight if you can find one. I was luck to find mine for $900 (list is $1400) and then you can always add the LPS. I have built my system incrementally like you say and hesitate to spend more than a net $1000 out of pocket on any individual transaction. They do add up though, and I made one exception recently in 2019....I think it was like $1300.
Ron guided me through the board swap which is easy if you have a steady hand and patience. He offered to do it for free if I paid shipping, but was very willing. It took about 45 minutes, and the second time would take 15 (like everything else). I could not beleive how patient and nice he was. I guess it gets him good word of mouth. All he does is design phono stages from $895 to I think $16-20,000.
If you can't find an Insight used and get antsy, he makes an entry level one called the KC Vibe for like $900 that is a great value. When you come upon some more mad money, you can sell the Vibe with little loss and then get the Insight. If you really go mad, he sells a 2020 which is supposed to be much better that lists for $2650 with the external LPS box. My trusted audio guru told me I would be extremely happy with the Insight or 20/20 and he was right.
Good tube phono stages are much more expensive. And bad ones are noisy. Good luck and have fun!