Your opinions are interesting, but there is a site that had many knowledgeable FM guys test and listen to all the ones they could get their hands on, and it was a lot. All of you are prejudiced by what you have owned and heard, but your experience is too limited. This site also offers upgrade advice, and occasionally contradictory opinion, such as the low ranking of the Kenwood KT815, which one tech raved about. I have owned most of the best Kenwood tuners, and others tested for the site, and must agree with both reviewers of this tuner: For example: The thing has no bass. It sucks on rock, but it sounds really good on classical music. Slight mods give it bass. I really believe this $430 tuner in 1979 was designed to make the $1000 KT917 sound like it was worth more than double the price. I have owned both, and first had the entry level $300 KT615. When I read that the electronic (HORRORS!), and inexpensive B&K TS10 sounded a bit better than the 917, I had to find out for myself. I now own one. I tried out several tuners from the site's shootout rankings, and they are spot on. FYI, I had to use my best preamp amps, and speakers to hear any difference at all between the B&K and 917. The B&K is a pain in the rear to use, so I kept the 815 to search for stations to put in the B&K's memory. The reason you never heard of the B&K is that it was scarfed up by Fanfare, which added a remote. See and go to the Shootout page.