Are your current amps and other gear the best you've ever had?

If not, what was the best you had that you let go? 
My current pile of hifi gear is certainly the best I've had, and it also sounds better to me than anything anybody else has simply because the system has been tuned to my earballs. However, it might not be the best I'll EVER have as ya just never know. 
I'm finally content with my system.  Been listening to tons of music lately instead of the gear.  And what a revelation. 

Ayre KX-5 Twenty pre
Ayre VX-5 Twenty amp
Pass XP-17 phono pre
VPI Classic w/3D arm
Ortofon Cadenza Blue cart
PS Audio P12 regenerator
Legacy Focus SE speakers
Audio Sensibility cables throughout're content with your system until you realize your fuses are in backwards.
Oh yes, I'm content - mo betta be!

As I almost sweated blood, and needed plenty of nudging, and what not, to let go the equivalent of $US 11'000.00 in ZAR. This for my still fine cooking PassLabs X350.5.
This was back in mid 2008. 

Nothing helps for contentment, as being out of that sort of small change - it worked fine by me. 

Michélle 🇿🇦 

PS: Though I'm not sure... if I'd bought junk for 11k... Might have changed the hobby?! 🤣 🤔