Square Trade
because I made an offer, they accepted, eBay generated an invoice that didn’t offer the option.
I hadn’t noticed the option on the original listing, until I had already paid,
Sooo, it is up to me to buy a separate square trade warranty myself. I’m gonna open the preamp up first, have a good look, then test it, decide then.
The plan of mice and man: (mostly Vintage). Everything revised since joining this forum.
One of these days I will take some photos and post them here.
Play it on small system as ricmci suggests:
1. shop/garage system: CD; Vintage Technics SL-J33 TT; Vintage Tandberg SS receiver; two vintage pairs of small speakers
and: to look for smoke as tablejockey joked about.
or, as I finally got aewarrens joke: see if it is Roland DARK SOUND!
2. Next in main system, sound shootout against my Vintage McIntosh tube tuner/preamp mx110z to my Chinese built Cayin tube amp to my oldest component: speakers with Electro-Voice drivers made in 1958. Vintage JVC Tt with 2 Vintage arms, and the new long Russian Blackbird, the source of this ’Russian Again" discussion.
3. Then upstairs to complete my happy office system:
a. Streaming/CD via computer
TT/R2R side by side on 3 shelf high bookcases (nice stand up operating height). This little preamp will sit on one side, an old RCA 45 player other side (for looks, never hooked it up).
b. Mitsubishi Vertical Turntable LT-5V (I traded Bill for my Fisher 800C)
https://www.ebay.com/itm/Mitsubishi-LT-5V-turntable-Calibration-and-Tune-up-service/292662721073?has...c. Teac X2000r R2R used vertically for the first time, now wearing it’s Mickey Mouse Dust Cover
https://www.google.com/search?q=teac+x2000r+dust+cover&rlz=1C1SQJL_enUS881US881&sxsrf=ALeKk0...bring up my Vintage (also 1958) Fisher 80Z Mono Blocks (mine don't have cages or faceplates, they were concealed in original console)
https://reverb.com/item/18222527-fully-restored-pair-of-fisher-80az-monoblocks-30wpc-mono-power-amps...Vintage B&W bookshelf speakers ear level, Vintage Velodyne Sub.
I installed a very quiet exhaust fan in the far corner of the ceiling that I use in the summer to pull the computer monitor’s heat out of here, it will now do some winter work I expect.
hmmm, maybe I’ll put the Mono Blocks on top, left and right of the TT/R2R: in sight, right above their speakers, heat starting from a height closer to the ceiling, move the new preamp into the shelves below.
"Yeah, that’s the ticket"