Actually ears are a type of simplistic listening device a sort of Rube Goldberg contraption.
Sorry but it is too much work to replicate to that to someone who really think that this is a real description of this complex phenomenon... Borrow books...
the simplistic minds are those who believe what they hear without question. Report thisWhen a musician of an orchestra judge the playing timbre of an instrument modifying the compressive force of the strings he judge what he hear without question...
When i hear my speakers in my room producing a better violin timbre after some experiments playing with the dyssemetric compressing of the springs sets, i hear the result without question...
The musician and i are we simplistic minds for that? The musician has his own biases he prefer Guarneri to stradivarius, i prefer my Mission speakers to some other speakers.... Are we simplistic?
Misjudging people by sticking to a decreed opinion about biases, without willing to listen to ANY others experience is simplistic to say the least....
I wil not qualify the Rube Goldberg contraption metaphor and hearing otherwise than child explanation...