It is incredibly difficult to find speakers that don’t at least annoy much, in one way or another.I dont think that my Mission Cyrus are so good and better than the best names people named here...No way... They are good but cannot beat most highly designed speakers... My ols Tannoy were better for example... But why the Mission are so amazing now ?
They had no defect on any count to my ears.... Is it their miraculous design that produce miracles?
Not at all, it is the passive treatment and active controls of my small room...
Save for little cheap box, and some exceptional badly designed speakers, it is the ROOM who kill or ressuscitate speakers...I repeat that because if someone never experience it by himself it is incredible and UNIMAGINABLE...
Some use very,very costly, gear and their sound is bad, fatguing and the timbre unnatural why?
Who really think that a 100,000 bucks speakers are bad? No way, designers at this level are not stupid....
It is the ROOM.....
No speaker can exceed his room, any controlled room can exceed any part of the audio system in potential S.Q.