These ”spider eyes” are the only thing that I think is likeable about Tekton speaters. Sorry. If it ends up with Tekton (The Perfect Set I think is the most interesting) it has to be with black finish. The black finish is the best looking. And I hate black speakers ;).
For Zu audio speakers, I have heard, subs are a must, which seems to me like buying an unfinished speaker. But I don’t know. Have never heard any and there are no dealers for Zu i Sweden.
I can’t find much on these speakers. Nowere to be found in Sweden to my knowlage.
I haven’t heard the new ones just the Heresy III. Forte IV looks very nice, but I don’t like that so many reviewers says that Klipsch Heresy, Forte and Cornwall are ”labeled” as a ”Rock speaker”. Some expressly say that these speakers are nothing for classical music. And I really like classical musik, as much as rock music. So…
I will probably sell
the Tannoys (as my ATC SCM 19 v2) when I buy new ones.
Yes, I
really wanted that the Klipsch sound would be my sound. The look very
I like to roll tubes and have already more than I will live to wear out ;) But mostly pairs, not quads.
More ”exotic” speakers that I would love to have a chance to listen too, but...nowhere to be found in Sweden.
Another speaker brand I can’t find in Sweden. Unfortunatly.
90 dB is just one dB
more sensitive, so…
”You are a few miles away from my
favorite store in the states.” Is there a place in the US called
Sweden? I know that many of your ancestors came from Sweden, but a
place called Sweden in the US?
I’m from ”good old country of Sweden” in Europe :)
But isn’t Sonus Faber FM2 just a small stand mount at 84dB sensitivity?
To find a pair of Avalon Ascent within my budget would be hard. But I saw that they are not sensitive speakers, even if they are flat in their resistance they will be to hard to drive for 2x12w.
ProAc Tablet? They
are rated at 86dB sensitivity, but their nominal impedance are stated
to 10 ohms!!! They are very small stand mounts. Defenitly needs
No dealer for Zu Audio in Sweden. But I know the dealer in Denmark where I bought Audio Audio also have Zu speakers. But it’s a long way to drive if I wanna audition them. I saw a you tube clip where they described a Zu speaker as having an A shaped sound profile. What they meant by that was that Zu speakers lacks bass and being rolled off in the treble. The medecine to that was to add a sub and have them toed in at the listener (if I remember correctly).
Dali speakers are to hard to drive with 2x12w.