Are your current amps and other gear the best you've ever had?

If not, what was the best you had that you let go? 
Brown/read leads = pointed outward
Black/blue leads = pointed inward're content with your system until you realize your fuses are in backwards.
I'm back to using stock Ayre provided fuses so it doesn't matter to me anyway.
Yes, both systems.

Coda 06x > Coda 07x > ATC SCM100ASLT.

Herron VTPH-2A > Herron VTSP-360 > Herron M2 monos > Larsen 8.2.

The only upgrade I'm planning is to replace the Larsen 8.2 speakers with Larsen 9.
Yes! Best ever! Although I am extremely careful what I purchase and greatly minimize risk of purchasing gear inferior to what I have.