Looking for a new phono preamp


Long time lurker, first time poster.

Here's the deal. I'd like to find a new phono preamp. I'd prefer solid state, tubes get noisy too fast. My latest cartridge is an AT-ART9XA. I'm currently running thru a sut into a cj pv10a with phono stage, but I have just got my hands on a Bel Canto pre5 that the new phono pre will be paired with.

I've got a hard upper limit of $2.5k, less is OK for the right unit. I'm looking to buy new. Dealers around me aren't really set up to demo vinyl, so I'm hoping the collective experience in here can at least point me in the right direction. Hopefully, it would have a one month return policy so I can try out the preamp.


I love it when a member says that something is the best with no competition as if they have heard every product available. 

Most humans have a need to justify the money they spend by telling themselves and others that what they got in return was not only the best for them, but for everyone else too.

It,'s a modern version of The Emperor's New Clothes.
The PS Audio Stellar Phono has created lots of buzz lately. You might want to check it out.
Can’t compare to other stuff in the thread but I got the Stellar last year and have been thrilled with it.
With a low output cartridge, solid state phono stages can get noisier than tubes, than hybrids.  It has to do with how the current crop of semiconductors are manufactured.  

Under any circumstances, I would recommend a Herron VTPH-2A.  It is dead quiet.  With a little luck, you could find one used that meet your budget.  I've had one for years without ANY noise from tubes or the SS front end.