Best cost no object tube phono

Hi Agoners,

just upgraded everything to SS Accuphase, loving it and have no intention to go back to tube pre/power. However, I have to admit that I miss a bit of tube sweetness particularly on mid. What is the best cost no object tube phono stage?

Thanks in advance for any advices
Maybe not the most expensive, but the Tavish adagio is a great phono preamp. 
If you are now interested in SS phono cost no object, I cannot recommend FM Acoustics highly enough. If there is one FM piece to have, in my opinion, it is their phono stage. 

If you are still on tubes, my cost no object in tubes would be Conrad Johnson. Though that VAC Statement is pure eye candy. 
Dear friends: Many information in the FM Acoustics data sheet is an " open eyes " interesting for any one of us and take a look to the last 2 pages of the data sheet that’s where the unit specs comes and you will know what means a true cost no object design. You can download at the end of the link pages.

No one SS/Tube electronics units at even higher prices that FM Acoustics units comes with that high knowledge levels information and probably several if not all manufacturers not even " imagine " about.

Well, IMHO, you must have a valve or tube in the signal ( in at least one component) to get this beautiful sound
I have pretty good system with 4 arms including Axiom & Kuzma14 inch.
Cartridges including Clearaudio Goldfinger..etc.
Phono stages include Burmester 100 & Thoress Phono Enhancer MK2, which has 6 inputs & Equalizer . It is one of the best. Now it is Mk3 & it has 3 valves  ( down from 5 valves in MK 2). It is Hybrid Design & have been told  it is even better than the excellent MK2
However, the reason, i am giving you this boring introduction, is to inform you about the new Thoress Silver phono Signature Enhancer
It has the following ;
1. 2 separate boxes, each one channel with its own power supply.
2. 6 inputs , obviously with different loading to suit individual customers.
3. Equalizer to adjust the sound according to your system
4. All Resisitors , even in the power supply, are Audio Note Silver Tantalum each including VAT is 70 US$.
5. All Signal Caps are all Audio note Silver , 5 Caps in each box ( 10 in Total) , the most expensive of them is 2000 US $
6 . All wires are silver soldered by hand  & all of them , including the power supply are 5N Silver
7. All Phone inputs & outputs are made of  Silver
8. Power Caps are massive Paper in Oil Caps good enough for signal path 
9. each box has 3 valves
10 Hybrid Design
11. Isolation; the feet of each box are Stillpoint Ultra 6, Each box has 4 Ultra 6, each retail for over 1000 US$ ( 8000 US $ for the feet or isolation)
More information From
The price is not yet fixed.but it will be 75,000 US $ PLUS
Fawzy Issa