Integrated recommendation for Revel F30

Looking for used integrated amp recommendations that would mate well with Revel F30 speakers. Budget is up to $1,500. Cabling is Mogami W3082 and W2539 interconnects. Source is a Theta Miles CD player. I stream using an HRT iStreamer and my iphone/ipad. My room is approx. 12x16.
I have a pair of F30s. I used them primarily with a Mark Levinson 383 integrated, but even used, this is out of your price range I think. I've also used them with Parasound electronics and they sounded great. I'd recommend looking for a used Parasound HINT 5 which you should be able to find around $1500. 

You could also look at the Parasound New Classic 200 which is in your price range even new. It's not quite as good an amp and is lower power than the HINT 5, but depending on how large your room is and how loud you like to play your music, it should be sufficient to power the F30s.
i suggest a hegel... get a used one that fits your budget

they are excellent sounding and can cope with the low impedance your revels present to amps

no affiliation, just a happy hegel user (after going through many many many amps)
i agree with jaytor--parasound + the f30s have a great natural synergy. yamaha as1000/as2000 would also be good.