Best or Most Interesting Speakers

I am starting to think that the best speakers I have ever heard are maybe the RAAL-Requisite SR1a Ear Speakers. The listening experience with these things is incredible. I have some $3k Meze Empy headphones that I really love but the RAAL Sr1a is a totally different animal. The 2 channel like sound right on your ears gives a sound that is so satisfying for someone like me that is room challenged.

I have a 2 channel rig that sounds amazing and maybe better than the RAAL but the RAAL is currently a more interesting listen. The SR1a has uber detail retrieval so that can be a fatiguing sound. The RAAL designer used the Benchmark AHB2 and DAC3 HGC to test and develop the SR1a so I was thinking this is perfect for me since I have an all BM stack.

It turned out that the all BM stack was too fatiguing on the SR1a. However, on my 2 channel system the all BM stack now sounds perfect. The SR1a has so much detail retrieval that fatigue is a problem with the wrong gear pairing.

So here are the things I have tried and learned. I used ROON to stream (using Fibre) and also added some ROON Parametric EQ. The DSP I setup had a slightly lowered treble and I also gave a small boost to the bass. I am waiting on some professionally calibrated DSP for these headphones in the future. I spoke with an engineer about this and he has the SR1a on his road map for DSP using some propriety sauce, I think using Convolution files.

1) The new RAAL-Requiste Silver cable is better than stock cable and you would think would make things even more fatiguing. Not exactly the outcome with all the gear pairings. It was bad with my all BM stack.

2) The RAAL-Requiste HSA-1b headphone amp is excellent with this SR1a. However, it has only 2 source inputs and cannot drive any 2 channel speakers I would be interested in. I cannot rate this yet because I was not able to use XLR sources when I had it in the house. I may try this again in the future.

3) I tried a single AHB2 in an all Benchmark stack was not good, Way too fatiguing even with the DSP enabled.

4) 2 AHB2’s in mono in an all Benchmark stack was not as fatiguing as the single AHB2 but was still a bit fatiguing. The SR1a like a lot of current so maybe that was the reason it was better than a single AHB2. DSP was enabled.

5) 2 AHB2 in mono but this time with the BM DAC3B replaced with the AudioMirror Tubadour III SE DAC (tube). This was not fatiguing at all and sounded very good. It has the uber detail as the DAC3B but softens up the SR1a top end. I tried with and without DSP. I liked both variants but in the future I will likely use DSP with this DAC. I give this combo a 8/10 in terms of sound quality.

6) CODA CSiB integrated Version 1 (first 18 watts in Class A, 150 watts @ 8 Ohm) + Benchmark DAC3B. This is what I was using for a few weeks and it was my best combo until the AMT3SE DAC showed up. There was a tiny bit of fatigue but I was enjoying the heck out of this combo. I give this pairing a 7/10.

7) CODA CSIB + AMT3SE DAC. This was pure perfection. A 10/10 and I crazily sold the CSiB today because I have no more space on m rack for the next integrated that is expected soon.

8) A Krell K-300i is expected soon and it will have 90 watts in Class A and 150 @ 8 Ohm. I hope it is in the class of the CODA.

Whenever I needed to use the RAAL amp interface box I used Audience Conductor SE speaker cable. A long one about 3 meters and then a shorter one about a meter. On the Benchmark AHB2 test I used a 6 foot Benchmark SpeakON speaker cable to the amp interface box. Of course with the RAAL HSA-1b headphone amp I did not use the amp interface box.

Check out these "Ear Speakers" they are something else. They are not like headphones and not like 2 channel. They are sort of in-between the 2. Put in a DAC like the AMT3SE and a clean warmish amp and you are off to the races.
@arafiq I am not ranking the amps at all. It really depends on the application and my listening preferences. I tend to like detail and clarity in my sound, especially on my Thiel CS3.7,  so the Benchmark stack for me is as good as it get in this regard at ANY price. Many other folks may not have this preference for clarity and detail. I have mentioned before the BM stack makes me feel like I am in the studio with the musicians (that is if musicians are used).

The BM stack is awful with the RAAL SRia, unless I add the tube AMT3SE DAC, then it becomes pretty good. So there is the "it depends" comes into play.

The CODA and and Krell are truly amazing integrated amps. I think they both had a much bigger positive impression on me than the Luxman 509x that I demoed at a store. I think these 2 units are relatively quiet which I value highly. Not as quiet as the BM stack but quiet in a very appreciable way.

The KRELL seem to play nice with all my sources, tuner and DAC3B and AMT3SE. I have not tried my Sony SCD-1 SACD player yet. I want to get another Audience Au24 SE XLR for that for a true test. All my non-BM gear use Audience Au24 SE XLR and RCA. The CODA was not as great with the DAC3B but was a 10/10 with the AMT3SE. Not just saying that because you have the AMTSE :).

I am still not that happy with the AMT3SE with my amazing Thiel CS3.7 connected to the Benchmark HPA4 and 2 AHB2's. Replace the AMT3SE with the DAC3B and the sound is great.

At this point I have confidence that keeping the Krell over the CODA was the right choice. It fits better into my room and the sound is comparably great as is the CODA.

I should add that it is so nice to get the LS50's back into the mix (you need to see the photos I will try to load today). I am not going to get the Meta. If I get another KEF it will be the Blade 2 with Meta. However, the big issue on that is the wife. U know what I mean?

I just realized I now have surround sound on using my Tuner or my DAC3B. Just turned this setup on now for a lark. That is 4 speakers playing the same tune at the same time. 2 speakers above me and 2 behind me. Pretty nutty setup and sounds a bit dumb.
My final word on the Krell K-300i. It is now 3AM and I have been saying one more album for a few hours now, I think I need to stop listening to the Krell + SR1a + AMT3SE. A phenomenal combo. I am very happy with the choice I made to go with the Krell.

What the reviewers say about this integrated is on the mark at least with the SR1a and even to some extent the KEF LS50 (not in a good location).
Thanks for the update. So I'm assuming you prefer AMT3SE over the DAC in your Krell. Happy listening!!!
I think the following DACs that I own all sound better than the internal KRELL DAC

- Benchmark DAC3B
- Matrix Audio Mini-i 3 Pro

The internal Krell is good and I would always get it just to get the HDMI parts of that DAC. 
The sale of the CODA fell though so I will now do an extensive test with the Krell to see which one stays  (1 month). I have figured out a way to rearrange my space to accommodate an integrated for both the Thiel CS3.7 and the RAAL SR1a. I know the sound difference with the RAAL SR1a. Now I want to compare with the Thiel. The Benchmark gear will still be the main amps for the Thiel but I will flip them around occasionally with the integrated that stays. The new placement will allow easy switching of amps to the speakers.