Line Magnetic 845 Premium bias setting. Advice needed!

Hello everyone,

I recently got a used Line Magnetic 845 premium and I need some help with bias setting.

I am not entirely sure how to adjust the bias with the knobs in the front. 
I believe the correct bias setting is 70mA for the 845 tubes (V1-V2) and 45mA for the 300B tubes (V3-V4).

Here is a photo a small video to see how its setup at the moment:

Are the knobs set to the correct setting?

Any ideas are appreciated. 
Many thanks.
What about sending email to the former owner?  He/she must know how to set bias.
Hello everyone,

Good news!

I emailed Jonathan Halpern from Tone Imports and Charlie Schnyder from Stereo Haven and they both promptly replied within an hour or two and they both said the same thing.
Apparently the knobs in the front are for fine tuning and not of much importance. The bias is adjusted mainly by the screws on the top for each tube. As long as the needles rest on the middle dot for each tube everything is ok.
This has been bugging me ever since I got the amp and I even emailed Line Magnetic in China and still the reply I got was far from useful.
These two guys put my mind at rest. Can't thank them enough!

wow line magnetic doesn’t supply a manual with proper instructions on how to set tube biasing?! that brand is supposed to be cream of the crop among chi-fi tube amps -- 👎

anyhow, glad you got it figured out...
I know,it's crazy!
But the sound the amplifier makes is so good, makes me forget these things
Glad to hear it, mika! Thanks for letting us know. There's a good chance I'll pick up one of these myself. What speakers will you be using?