Looking for a new phono preamp


Long time lurker, first time poster.

Here's the deal. I'd like to find a new phono preamp. I'd prefer solid state, tubes get noisy too fast. My latest cartridge is an AT-ART9XA. I'm currently running thru a sut into a cj pv10a with phono stage, but I have just got my hands on a Bel Canto pre5 that the new phono pre will be paired with.

I've got a hard upper limit of $2.5k, less is OK for the right unit. I'm looking to buy new. Dealers around me aren't really set up to demo vinyl, so I'm hoping the collective experience in here can at least point me in the right direction. Hopefully, it would have a one month return policy so I can try out the preamp.


I am in the same situation. I will probably build my own with a tube rectifier power supply putting about 300 Volts through 100K loading resistors to the plates of a 6SN7 in two stages of amplification and a passive RIAA resistor capacitor network on the output and some 0.33 blocking capacitors to the preamp. I am not willing to accept the expense of MC cartridges which when they stylus is worn out you have to replace the whole cartridge and I don't want to deal with lead in wires to moving coils fatigue fracturing from too many hours of flexing with the vibrations of the moving coils. I am using a red Ortofon MM cartridge. It will be loaded with 0.1 mF and a 47K resistor. I have had good luck in the past
A cheap Chinese tube phono preamp sounds dead like the speakers are wrapped in pillows so it has to go.
I have been designing and building my own preamps and amps for over two decades and this gives me more freedom to use such things as polypropylene filter capacitors in my power supplies rather than have the inferior electrolytic capacitors I see in the power supplies of amps costing tens of thousands of dollars.
I just sold a much more expensive phono preamp and purchased PS AUDIO STELLAR. It is really great and a bargain at that.
+1 Parasound JC3+
+1 PS Audio Stellar Phono

Both have the flexibility for future cartridge requirements. 
There is a lot of positive reviews on JC3 and the latter upgraded JC3+. Designed by the extremely talented John Curl who resume is vast as he has a designing hand in many manufacturers products such as Constellation Audio, Mark Levinson, etc. A proven established design.

The Stellar Phono is a newer 2020 phono stage designed by the somewhat PS Audio new hire young Darren Myers who impressed Paul so much he gave him the job. Darren is a fellow vinyl enthusiast who designed/voiced the SP to sound great and musical. Lots of positive reviews including Stereophile Fremer. I was further impressed after watching Darren Myers interviews on YouTube. A newer design that hit a home run at it’s price point.

Check out the Allnic H1202. Entry level phono Pre, But does a fantastic job. Also set up for 2 table (Arm) setup.
Herron, all the way. The VTPH2A is so good, for the money, it must be recommended to anyone with anywhere near the budget. It just seems you have to spend an awful lot more to be even a little better.

Yes it uses a FET, so not an all-tube design. But it does not sound SS, nor does it sound exactly tubey. It just sounds great. Keith runs his tubes conservatively and uses warm-up circuits, a combination that results in very long tube life. 

You can call and ask, he will know. When it comes to tubes there are three kinds of people. Those who replace them way more than need be, those who don't, and those who worry. Tubes last so long, look at it this way, my ARC PH3SE was used 15 years and sold with original tubes. So tube life is not a factor. Either you replace more often, or you worry. Never seems to be anything anyone can do to change this, it's genetic or something. Saves a lot of time and trouble if you can figure out which one you are.