The guru on fuses:

For two years, I have asked why and how fuses could possibly matter. All I got was arguments of faith, pro or con. I needed a real audio guru who actually knows. Here is a link from John Curl’s discussion on Parasound’s website. He engineered and designed some some great equipment, including some Mark Levinson gear, The Grateful Dead’s 30 plus McIntosh amp powered Wall of Sound, and his admittedly, somewhat price compromised Parasound designs. He discusses the electrical properties of standard fuses, showing how they are compromised. The entire article is quite enlightening, but to skip to the fuse section, go to the bottom half of page 6.

Interestingly enough bluemoondriver the fuse types call silver cable bright and copper cable warm ...
Use an RTA and record the difference and post them.

Years ago I experimented with a friends speaker a DQ12 it has a place for 2 fuses. I had only 2 magnets in hand so I only replaced the fuses in 1 speaker. Turning the system on and trying yo hear in stereo both me and my friend had to sit 2/3 off the center axis of the speakers towards the speaker that had fuses so we could hear that DQ12.  Of course this was not left this way. Tom

audio2destroy, there you go again: I confuse nothing just because of your silly premise that I do.

And again, what's with the juvenile challenges signaling fear as the resolving factor? Years of doing this gives one an accurate enough handle on the sound of one's system to the point where they don't need to resort to parlor tricks to ascertain whether they're hallucinating. 

I wish I had come up with this phrase but you're drowning in a reckless, infantile philosophy.

All the best,
I wish I had come up with this phrase but you’re drowning in a reckless, infantile philosophy.
Allnoise, stop being such a nong.
Another friend has Legacy speakers biamped. Listening we could both hear an imbalance in image and we had to keep shifting our seats. I replaced the fuse in the right chn. amp problem solved. He ordered cryo Acme brand silver fuses for 20 bucks ea. and when I returned I installed them for him. Nice jump in sound quality over that vibrating metallic dingle berry that is now in the trash..fuses are subjected to shear wave interference and it carries on from there. Tom