Which VTF Scale are you using?

I had been using a $30 Riverstone scale that I bought from Amazon but I dropped it and it's no more. What should I get now? The Riverstone is decent but finicky.
I have 2 cheap Chinese. Still on the first.
I was recently thinking about how easy it is compared to my old school crap.

I'm using some digital POC, which I will until the battery goes and dies or leaks and self-destructs it. Then the Shure will come out. Gravity it turns out is more reliable, no matter what the haters say. 
I use the Technics SH-50P1 strain gauge.

Alternately, occasionally, the Clearaudio Weightwatcher - but I would never buy one of these because sometimes the cartridge cant be weighed because the cartridge body overhanging the stylus prevents you from placing the stlyus on the scale. A major failure for a product that costs a fortune.
Riverstone. It is worth the cost, which is reasonable compared to some others. Brian Walsh of TTsetup only uses the Riverstone. He just left my house. minutes ago btw. My Lyra Etna Lambda is signing