Cube Audio Nenuphar Single Driver Speaker (10 inch) TQWT Enclosure

Cube Audio (Poland) designs single drivers and single driver speakers. 

Principals are Grzegorz Rulka and Marek Kostrzyński.

Link to the Cube Audio Nenuphar (with F10 Neo driver) speaker page:

Link to 6Moons review by Srajan Ebaen (August 2018):


Parameters (from Cube Audio):

Power: 40 W

Efficiency: 92 dB

Frequency response: 30Hz - 18kHz ( 6db)*

Dimensions: 30 x 50 x 105 cm

Weight: 40 Kg

* Frequency response may vary and depends on room size and accompanying electronic equipment.
@tkukielk I think its a great idea to have Jim Salk build the cabinets. I own 2 pairs of Salks and the build quality is first rate. I also think the oiled walnut finish on the Nenuphar Mini's is also outstanding. I've had my mini's for a little over a month now. These are special speakers. I'm not a good audiophile in the sense that I tend to make a bunch of changes in a relatively short time (I've also changed DACs, power cables, speaker cables, power conditioning, and messed with different tubes), but something really good has been happening the past couple weeks of listening. The speakers are opening up and the inner detail and depth is fantastic. Bass keeps getting better, but I'm still thinking my amp is just maybe a bit too polite. It's the Canary M90 (300b push pull). It sounds sublime in terms of that inner detail and micro harmonics. Voices are surreal. I would say it has a very creamy, smooth, layered sound. What I feel I'm missing is a touch of bite or slam, but it has plenty of power and can play extremely loud without strain. I also feel like the music is presented more in a deep tunnel of sound, which can definitely suck you in. I think it's a very refined sound, and maybe I'm not as refined as I thought :/  I'm going to try some different amps before making any more changes and see where I get. Maybe I will stay put after trying some different options, we'll see. I will say, after a week without power and staying in 4 different hotels in the past 6 nights it's wonderful to be back in my house listening to my system this morning -- I am very grateful for that and it is a privilege.
@ricardoosusa Your system sounds like something straight out of what Daedalus would have put together.  Have you looked at their line of real wood speakers?
@ abd,
Congratulations on acquiring the Nenuphar Mini speakers. Based on your listening impressions it seems with exception of one specific sonic parameter (Bite and slam) the sound quality is outstanding! Trying some other amplifiers for comparison is an excellent idea.

Based on your description with use of the Canary M 90 300b push pull it strikes me that you are 95% there as it is. It leads me to wonder if trying different tubes (300b and/or 6SN7) or power cable/interconnects might rectify the "bite and slam" concern. Which as you described is just a "touch" short.

Something to think about because otherwise the Canary M 90 +Nenuphar pairing appears to be an exceptionally good pairing (Unless there’s something I’m missing). You used the terms  "sublime"  "surreal" "fantastic" and that’s very telling in my opinion. The positive attributes you have noted are hard for many to achieve.
So been listening for a while today. Maybe this is a better way of describing the sound. With the Canary amp the sound is like peering into a deep funnel. It sucks you in and is very detailed and the tonality is so accurate and lifelike. It can be startling. The "funnel" starts at the plane of the speakers and descends back into the wall. It feels like falling into a blackhole.

With other amps I've had, the sound floats outward and around you. You feel as though you are in the music, not falling into it. I think this is why the current amp sounds "polite" to me or lacks a little punch. The sound seems a bit further way and even though its amazing, its not as tactile as some other amps I've enjoyed. A good example is the track Hello Night on  Zoë Keating's album Into the Trees. The very beginning of the track starts with sounds that quickly appear and disappear. With the Canary the sounds appear to be floating out ahead of you at various distances. With some other tube amps I've had (Primaluna, Line Magnetic, Linear Tube Audio) the sounds floated all around and almost behind you. The rest of the track, with the Canary, is tonally so accurate and powerful it is startling. With this amp it sounds like you're listening in an anechoic chamber because there's no reverb or haziness, but nothing is harsh or out of place. The detail of the bow's running across the strings is almost tangible. With the other amps you get a smoother sound here, but it is all over you like you're in a cloud of music. Wow, just a totally different presentation I guess, but maybe the way the Canary presents the music is why I'm feeling a slight lack of punch or bite.