The search among the great ones - 20k+ speakers


I have started the "speakerjourney", where I want to be able to decide for _the_ speaker for me. I rather save up and spend some more and hopefully live with one of these speakers for a long time.

What are you guys opinion on the following speakers? Have anyone several of them?

The only thing I have now, that I want to build a system from, is a Modwright Transporter. I am going for a digital based hdd-source.

*Evolution Acoustics MM2
*Von Schweikert VR-7
*B&W 800 Diamond
*Burmester B100 Reference
*Rockport Mira II Grand
*Focal JMLab Maestro Utopia III

I want a speaker that I can live long able to play all different kinds of music, and recordings without running out of the room because of "sharp/ringing highs"

Elaborating on comments that were made above by Marco (Jax2) and Phaelon, in narrowing down your list of candidates I would encourage you to consider the constraints on amplifier selection that each candidate would represent. For instance a speaker that requires the amplifier to be able to provide high power capability and high current capability, in addition to providing sound quality commensurate with the quality of the speaker, could very conceivably necessitate an amplifier investment comparable to the cost of the speakers, or even more, as well as constraining your ability to change amplifiers in the future.

As an owner of the Daedalus Ulysses speakers that were recommended above by Marco, I can attest to the fact that they are exceptionally versatile in terms of amplifier selection. They represent an easy load by any definition, they don't require a great many watts, but at the same time they can handle large amounts of power if necessary. And they definitely do not have "sharp/ringing highs."

Coincident speakers are another well-regarded brand that comes to mind that provides both high efficiency and benign impedance characteristics.

Good luck in your search.

-- Al
Melchor, which one or two speakers have you heard in you life that you truly loved, that might help in recommending speakers that might appeal to you based on the kind of sound you like. As a general principle I like the type of speakers that Al likes, at least as a starting point - efficient (89db and higher) and easy to drive with tube amps (smooth impedance characteristics).
With that kind of budget, why does cost matter and why mention it? Sure, I'm jealous but not really come to think of it. You could spend $20k on speakers without ever realizing that there's $10k speakers that sound better. To give you an example, I've listened to many $20k + speakers and none of them have sounded as good to me as the Harbeth 40.1. If I won the lottery tomorrow, that's what I'd buy. I would choose them over any other speaker in the world. It looks like something my uncle built in his garage, but to me it is the best that any money can buy because to me, they sound the best. Are you looking for good sounding furniture or good sounding speakers? Sorry to sound like a jerk, but your post comes across as a young doctor who's entertaining in 2 weeks and is desperate.
Agree with the Vandy 7 audition.
If you have the room, you need to hear a good line array.