The search among the great ones - 20k+ speakers


I have started the "speakerjourney", where I want to be able to decide for _the_ speaker for me. I rather save up and spend some more and hopefully live with one of these speakers for a long time.

What are you guys opinion on the following speakers? Have anyone several of them?

The only thing I have now, that I want to build a system from, is a Modwright Transporter. I am going for a digital based hdd-source.

*Evolution Acoustics MM2
*Von Schweikert VR-7
*B&W 800 Diamond
*Burmester B100 Reference
*Rockport Mira II Grand
*Focal JMLab Maestro Utopia III

I want a speaker that I can live long able to play all different kinds of music, and recordings without running out of the room because of "sharp/ringing highs"

Tmsorosk: I have heard Revel Salons 2 at a dealer and thought it was ok, nothing special. Hopefully I´ll have another shot to auditon them.
if you find Diablo Utopia(without subwoofer) sounds nice to you then Maestro would be VERY good speakers- they retain all speed of Diablo with added "less shouty in your face presentation"- to the point where speakers can be enjoyed in long term listening. and VERY much BIGGER and authority to put same speakers in a shame, which sound slike matchbox comparing to Maestro. Maestro can play anything - from subtile 60'ies jazz to large clasical, from folk music to metal. I can not say that for any speakers including focal scala and diablo (Focal Diablo can play only vocals and small jazz groups IMHO )

but Maestro need VERY high current amplifier (not very powerfull, but very low ohm capable)

It also sensitive to equipment (thoses speakers love good amp) but they do not sound ear bleeding with medium amps/dac.

if its your sound theese speakers can be keeper for long time.

hope this helps.
IMO, good start on a short list although I would eliminate B&W imediately and having heard the Focals alot I would scratch them off as well..but you should include Vivid and Raidho
"heard the Focals alot I would scratch them off as well..but you should include Vivid and Raidho”

I have heard Focals and Raidho a lot and prefer Focals by quite a margin. So Melchor, where is this really getting you. There are a lot of astute folks on Audiogon who spend considerable time and effort putting together their systems. They go to the same audio shows, belong to formal and informal listening groups and yet, look at the diversity of their systems. Like Pubul57 and others here, I would like to know a lot more about your personal listening preferences. Can you appreciate the virtues of tubes? SETs? Do you prefer warm and intimate or do you want a microscope on the music. Is it more about appeasing your frontal lobe or stimulating your Amygdala. Listen to Almarg. While you don’t have to buy them together, you should at least know what kind of amplifier you eventually intend to buy.