The search among the great ones - 20k+ speakers


I have started the "speakerjourney", where I want to be able to decide for _the_ speaker for me. I rather save up and spend some more and hopefully live with one of these speakers for a long time.

What are you guys opinion on the following speakers? Have anyone several of them?

The only thing I have now, that I want to build a system from, is a Modwright Transporter. I am going for a digital based hdd-source.

*Evolution Acoustics MM2
*Von Schweikert VR-7
*B&W 800 Diamond
*Burmester B100 Reference
*Rockport Mira II Grand
*Focal JMLab Maestro Utopia III

I want a speaker that I can live long able to play all different kinds of music, and recordings without running out of the room because of "sharp/ringing highs"

I think you misunderstood my point, which wasn’t to debate who was right between you and me, but to illustrate to Melchor the role of personal preferences. Also, I didn’t suggest SET amps or, for that matter, anything at all yet. I’m still just trying to get a feel for the OP.
I second the Vandersteen 5a Carbons. I just got back from the RMAF and the only speakers that I would consider replacing my Salks for were the Vandersteen 7s. If the 5a Carbons are anywhere near the sound of the 7s then they would be a steal.

"Can you appreciate the virtues of tubes? SETs?”

I can see how that might be taken wrong (guess I should go back to college). My intention was only to provide Melchor with examples of the type of questions he should be asking himself, and then sharing with us. My only wish is for Melchor to put together a system that suits him. Don’t we all know people who have allowed the strong assertions of “experts" to over influence them?
Perhaps it would be helpful if you told us what was actually available in Sweden for audition unless you wanted to cover Denmark as well.
Do you also consider horn or/and panel speakers?
You are right, Revel is okay maybe even good but you can do much better than that.
I'm not a fan of any of the mentioned speakers but VON SCHWEIKERT would be your best bet for the list. But for the amount, there are so many other speaker systems to me that are far better then any that are mentioned. You can get a used infinityr RS series for that amount and if you're into electrostats and planars, there are so many like magnepan 20.1 or a soundlab or martin logan. There's just too much to choose from. Maybe a DUEVEL even or mark and daniel?