Fan boys do not actually exist. What does exist is snobs. So when someone finds something real good and shares this experience, the snob "knows" it can't be as good as his Wilson, Magico, Mark Levinson, (fill in your favorite astronomically overpriced hyped whatever) and so, not having any substantive counter they deride the enthusiastic reviewer as a "fanboy".
Happens all the time. Notice you never, ever see anyone complimenting their Wilson monstrosity being called a fanboy. It simply is not done! Fanboy is reserved for keeping us working stiffs in our place. Watch. Now that you're aware how it works, just watch.
Tekton owns the under $10k market. Absolutely owns it! Any of four models, all very easy to drive, all crush the competition to varying degrees.
Really only one thing going against them, a total lack of snob appeal.
Happens all the time. Notice you never, ever see anyone complimenting their Wilson monstrosity being called a fanboy. It simply is not done! Fanboy is reserved for keeping us working stiffs in our place. Watch. Now that you're aware how it works, just watch.
Tekton owns the under $10k market. Absolutely owns it! Any of four models, all very easy to drive, all crush the competition to varying degrees.
Really only one thing going against them, a total lack of snob appeal.