All, responses have been great and helpful. Nice to have the information.Definitely have some listening to do based on suggestions.
The Harbeth importer is is southern NH so I can see some time there having a listen and will try to get back to JohnnyR to revisit the Treo’s and subbed 3’s.
The used Quatro was previously on my radar after last years Treo listen based on some of the same logic I’m sliding into with the Harbeths that a bigger step up will be more of a definite than something that is a bit lateral or logically the next step. I did lurk a bit looking for used Quatros last year but they seemed pretty scarce versus me being a bit surprised at looking for used Harbeths yesterday and finding several that seemed to be solid.
Work, the good kind, to do here. Should be a fun and interesting journey.
The Harbeth importer is is southern NH so I can see some time there having a listen and will try to get back to JohnnyR to revisit the Treo’s and subbed 3’s.
The used Quatro was previously on my radar after last years Treo listen based on some of the same logic I’m sliding into with the Harbeths that a bigger step up will be more of a definite than something that is a bit lateral or logically the next step. I did lurk a bit looking for used Quatros last year but they seemed pretty scarce versus me being a bit surprised at looking for used Harbeths yesterday and finding several that seemed to be solid.
Work, the good kind, to do here. Should be a fun and interesting journey.