When is digital going to get the soul of music?

I have to ask this(actually, I thought I mentioned this in another thread.). It's been at least 25 years of digital. The equivalent in vinyl is 1975. I am currently listening to a pre-1975 album. It conveys the soul of music. Although digital may be more detailed, and even gives more detail than analog does(in a way), when will it convey the soul of music. This has escaped digital, as far as I can tell.
"I think digital has the potential now to be the equal of master tapes"

I have not heard it yet, but I agree the potential is there.
Jwm, if all of the old analog master tapes have deteriorated and saved only in quad DSD, we have to hope the digital is equal to what used to be master tapes.
Hi, Has any one listened to the new remastered mono Beatles complete compiled set?, My wife is a huge fan, I wanted to know if this is a good high-end recording for her to awe at and enjoy, maybe hear parts of the music that was not exsposed before?, would this be a worth while christmas gift?
The texture and sweetness is all wrong or completely MIA on digital, some are a little better but by and large tape, even the humble cassette, gets this critical part right. Digital is just SO bland. There, now I feel better.