Need advice concerning audio cabinet shelves

I read many discussions  concerning isolation using various materials and tweaks. My cabinet is open on all sides and has 3 hardened glass shelves that are 20”x60”. On the top shelf is a TV, the middle shelf consists of a Dac, music server and a cable box. The bottom shelf has a DVD player, a tube integrated amp and a power conditioner. Under each component is a 1” hardwood cutting board with attached rubber footings plus DH cones between the components and the hardwood board. 
I’m wondering if the hardwood boards and DH cones are enough isolation from the glass shelves.
I’m considering placing a 20”x60”x1” hardwood shelf (possibly maple) on top of each glass shelf to replace the individual boards or replacing the glass shelves entirely with thicker maple shelves.
Any comments or recommendations would greatly be appreciated.
The approach you're using- rubber, wood, cones- to ameliorate being on glass is a pretty good one. Glass adds glare and hardness, which you sort of cover up with the rubber and wood, and then try and get some of the speed and detail back with the cones. That's not bad.  

Your idea of adding a bigger wood shelf, or entirely replacing the glass with wood, will probably be a little better. No idea what you are looking at cost-wise for that. But pretty sure Nobsound springs will be a lot less money and absolutely certain they will be a much better improvement. Read the threads, these things are absolutely awesome for the money.

But honestly, all these options are baby steps. If you are looking to do something that will be a significant system upgrade, look into Townshend Pods. I would start with a set under the tube amp and take it from there. Not cheap but these are great strides we're talking not baby steps. 
Thanks for all your ideas.

My idea of placing a 1” thick board over the entire glass shelf was to minimize the glass from vibrating plus it was much less expensive than a lone thicker board.
Would it make sense to place the sorbothane between the glass shelf and the maple board plus gluing the sorbothane to the under side of the glass to stop any reflections?
Last question, is maple the best type of wood for audio? There are many other hard woods in the same price range.

The cutting boards are 1” thick and are made of sheesham wood which is harder than maple and bamboo.
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Your advice seems sound (pun intended).

I will call Chris and get a quote, thanks