Mahgister, I appreciate all the comments and think you are very correct that most of us don't fully appreciate correct room treatments, etc.
The most stunning demonstration I ever heard was at RMAF when one of the Brit reviewers did a session on equipment isolation and good stands. They also had four (2'x4' ?) Helmholtz resonator panels set for all four walls. The Wilson Audio Duettes? were stunningly set and sounded superb with the system sorted.
When the reviewer and the other guy pulled all four stands out of the room the 30+ people inside were stunned at the total collapse of what we had all just heard. Sure, there was music; but the difference was off the charts (worse). Then they put the resonator panels back and the music came back. It was aurally incredible! No tricks, no stunts.
Sadly I've not had the patience or knowledge to recreate this in my room although I feel it is very room dependent in terms of the individual design, much like it seems your brick and pipe devices are designed.
The most stunning demonstration I ever heard was at RMAF when one of the Brit reviewers did a session on equipment isolation and good stands. They also had four (2'x4' ?) Helmholtz resonator panels set for all four walls. The Wilson Audio Duettes? were stunningly set and sounded superb with the system sorted.
When the reviewer and the other guy pulled all four stands out of the room the 30+ people inside were stunned at the total collapse of what we had all just heard. Sure, there was music; but the difference was off the charts (worse). Then they put the resonator panels back and the music came back. It was aurally incredible! No tricks, no stunts.
Sadly I've not had the patience or knowledge to recreate this in my room although I feel it is very room dependent in terms of the individual design, much like it seems your brick and pipe devices are designed.