Just how many outlets do you need for your stereo?

I am curious to know how many outlets folks use for their stereo system.  I am looking at a new power isolation, surge protector, and wondering how many outlets to specify.   It always seems there are not enough but more outlets mean more money up front.   
You have not gone battery-operated?

If not, three is good enough (modem, streamer/server, amplifier).

Six would allow you addition of turntable and a CD player with one spare for light above the turntable.
I just found this device on Amazon, it has 8 outlets and can be interconnected for more outlets.  It is cheap enough, only $125.  I am not expecting much in the filtering section, as they don't even spec the number of surge joules it can handle or the bandwidth of the filters.   But, what I do like about this is the fact it sequences the outlets on, which I do need.   I recently blew a midrange driver when I accidentally flipped the control electronics power switch off before the power amps.   That was a $3000 repair, with freight and insurance.   Then, it morphed to $6000 when I discovered the manufacturer upgraded the speakers and the original drivers were no longer available, so both heavy speakers had to be shipped cross country.   Granted, it was a pretty significant sound improvement, so I didn't feel so bad when I got them back.  I ordered two of these units for 16 controlled outlets, I will check them out, and report back here on how well it works.  https://smile.amazon.com/Outlet-Power-Sequencer-Conditioner-Controller/dp/B07P76C2PF/ref=sr_1_6?crid...
You need as many outlets as are required to plug in all your gear.

Another question to consider is, how many amps are required to effectively power your gear?

Finally, does it really matter whether you plug digital gear into a different outlet from your  analog gear when both lines go back to the same place?  Some advocate running the entire system off of one line.  Is one 20 amp line enough, 30 amps? 
I have overkill.  Five dedicated circuits, why you may ask.  I had one dedicated outlet and wanted two more and just got carried away.  It was my first major project after I retired.  I was a Building Inspector so the skill set was there.