Magico Customer service

Is it considered to be good to include second hand speakers? Service provided on out of warranty products says a lot about a company. Thanks for any opinions.

perhaps you were never answered because they observed your posts here and realized you have nothing important to contribute and really know nothing about speakers and high end audio.  I’m still waiting for you to post pictures of your system so we can all LEARN from you😂😂
Exotic car parts aren’t cheap and neither are exotic speaker parts. Just be grateful that you can get both service and parts if needed.  
I've provided service to Magico owners without knowing if they are the original owners or not. I have not experienced any difference in support from Magico in support of that service or repair. Nor have any of those owners reported anything about their direct communication with Magico at those times (it is often the case that someone with a problem contacts Magico first before I end up speaking with them).
i’m not picking on magico at all but really want to know what to expect if i were to buy used. i’ve seen more than a little arrogance on display when it comes to high end audio. i hope that this is not a fault of magico.