Best DVD player for redbook CD ???

I'm in the market for a DVD player in the 400-500 dollar (used) price range and value redbook CD as a top priority. What is best? Is it all pretty poor CD playback in that range? Do I just need to get a DAC?

I was thinking about a Rotel RDV 1050, Sony 9000 or 999...what else would you guys suggest?

Excellent point KennyT and could be an important issue for some buyers. Since I have upgraded to the Model 10 which does play them, I forgot about that shortcoming. They can be later upgraded, if you are on that path.

Swampwalker, I didn't read the ad for the $625 unit closely enough. He rated it as 9/10 but then mentioned it didn't like to play some DVD's. The inability to play CD-R's and DVD-R's, is a function of the design.
Outboard DAC is a good option for you. I had the same dilemma a few years back trying to decide what to do with my old Sony DVP-S7700 DVD player. I figured the Sony would make a decent transport, and I decided to try then-famous MSB LinkDAC. I liked the result a lot. I still have the S7700 and MSB DAC combo in my listening room.
There's a couple of Arcam Diva DV 88's currently being sold at your price range !