XLR or RCA for my new DAC

Hi All,

So I ordered the Schiit Audio Bifrost (thanks to the good folks here turning me on to Schiit) which is arriving today (I originally ordered the Modius but the BO date got pushed back and I didn't want to wait). This is my very first DAC and I plan to use it strictly for my Pioneer cd player which is an ancient PD-F908, thus turning it into a transport. Should I go XLR or RCA connecting it to my processor which is a Rotel RSP-1582? 

What do you Kool Kats with DAC experience think?

Thank you all in advance...
My post was removed (maybe I overdid it on the exclamation points, LOL), but I posted an update, all I can say is I am truly speechless at what this DAC has added! Right out of the gate I immediately noticed a true audible difference! I have no measurements to prove it other than my experienced ears. I honestly didn't know what to expect if anything adding a DAC, but I could not have been prepared for this big a difference! I'm just giddy. Having that little boy on Christmas morning moment right now...This Bifrost is truly the Schiit!
Still having that little boy on Christmas morning should say :)

The only other time I can remember having this kind of revelation was 20 years ago when I went from B&W CDM NT to Dynaudio Audience (I'm now with Evoke)! No more tweaks for this cat, I'm good!
Personally I never had good luck running XLRs with Rotel preamps.  Every pair of cables I've tried made the sound super forward and messed with imaging.  If you have some cables, it doesn't hurt to try them all and see what you like.  Personally I stick with the RCAs when using Rotel.