XLR or RCA for my new DAC

Hi All,

So I ordered the Schiit Audio Bifrost (thanks to the good folks here turning me on to Schiit) which is arriving today (I originally ordered the Modius but the BO date got pushed back and I didn't want to wait). This is my very first DAC and I plan to use it strictly for my Pioneer cd player which is an ancient PD-F908, thus turning it into a transport. Should I go XLR or RCA connecting it to my processor which is a Rotel RSP-1582? 

What do you Kool Kats with DAC experience think?

Thank you all in advance...
That Bifrost 2 is a good starter DAC. I have one in my collection. Look there are a number of things to consider regarding SE and balanced connections and cables. This was noted above. However, all things being equal I would go with the XLR connections and you are paying for those XLR connections. XLR connections are new to the Bifrost with the Bifrost 2, so you might as well take advantage of them. 
Looking at the specs for my amp and in some general reading, I see that the input/output impedance, voltage, and sensitivity are all about double for the XLR connections. I am not sure if those stats equate to a sonic difference. Here it is for my pass labs amp:

Input Impedance: 50 / 100 (SE & BAL kOhms)

If the cable length in question is less than about 4-5 feet, a SHIELDED RCA cable is almost as good as an XLR.  Otherwise, XLR starts to win.

Be aware some RCA cables you buy are NOT properly shielded.

Here is one I use that I KNOW is properly shielded:


I do like using RCA: more open. (For short distance). XLR is more ‘direct”,more black/white, miss a little bit “the feeling” of music. Both are detaifull , I’ve tried both, but RCA, brings me more ‘into” the music.
(system: CEC (cd-player), Auralic (streamer),Metronome technologie C6 (dac), Daniël Hertz M6L (préamp) , Wavac MD 805m. (Monoblocks) and the Ilumnia Magister ( speakers)
Cable types could act differently on different setups. It’s really hard to suggest. Buy both of them and stay with one you like the best.