Did someone complain about the price of Uptone EtherRegen switch?


Then how about this?
These audiophile switches must be doing ..... nothing. To the point of EtherRegen being sold out at every single batch, and other people rushing to bring a switch costing $3,500 to the market. Wow! These switches really do nothing, so there are no buyers, right? đŸ˜‚
@thyname -- did you see the youtube review by ASR's Amir where he compared EtherRegen with a $20 TP-Link switch and found zero differences in his usual measurements and graphs? I can almost imagine the frenzy amongst the "i-only-listen-to-graphs-not-music" crowd that must be peaking right now. It's amazing how chifi makers have mastered the art of building equipment that satisfies ASR's measurements first and foremost, music be damned! 
LOL!! ASR militia figured it out EtherRegen made no difference one full year before it was launchedÂ