Salk Sound vs Legacy Audio

Impossible to answer, but always popular: tell me your experiences of these speakers. In particular, I'm looking at the Legacy Audio Classic HD and the Salk Sound Song3 Encore, with drivers from the SS9.5 speakers. Even if you don't have experience with these specific speakers, are these manufacturers known for a "signature" sound? 

I lean towards warm presentation vs. clinical accuracy. My main complaint in this hobby is listening fatigue so I'm really wanting a speaker that can move me even at low volumes. I also want a bigger soundstage and just a fuller more complete image. 

I'm in Atlanta so there is nowhere close by to hear either of these speakers. I'm just looking for lots of information to help guide my decision. Thanks, y'all! 

I demoed the 9.5 at someone’s house and wasn’t impressed TBH. Played like a box.  But gorgeous construction.  
Thanks for great feedback so far! The amp (Quad 909) and preamp (Vac 20.1) I'll be using will be outmatched to some degree, but both perform beyond their price point IMHO. I hope my Rega and Cary sources are up for the task. My gut is leaning towards the Salk, but it will be a few months before I pull the trigger. Hopefully, I'll find a pair to listen to!!
Robert, I suggest you read the Salk Sound Song 3 Encore Review posted by Kwebb on 12/27/20.  You can find it on the Salk Audiocircle Forum on the Salk website.

I purchased a pair of Encores a couple years ago and absolutely love them.  Mine are ported in the front and are finished in curly walnut.  They are connected to a Parasound Hint 6 and a Node 2i/Chord Qutest DAC.  I don't believe you can find a better speaker for the money and I like the fact they're made in the USA.  Give Jim a call if you have any questions...I'm sure he will give you good advice.  Cheers!
I have never owned either of these speakers but I have heard both at shows a number of times. I have always been blown away with the quality of the Salks. I don’t know why but I have never heard the Legacy speakers sound good at a show. I know people like them so maybe just not my cup of tea but I couldn’t even stay in the room. Just my opinion of course.
This is a great start and for my opinion you can't go wrong with either.  Both brands are really geared to the engineering side of sound which I like.  I personally prefer Legacy but that is slanted to their upper end lines.  Once you hear the Aeris level or above it is hard to look at anything else.  If you haven't yet I would highly recommend listening to the Aeris, Focus, and Exotica 3 even if it is just for fun.   As other people have said the right amp will be critical for both.