Funny how streaming/digital still chases that analog benchmark.

Funny how manufacturers of streaming and digital gear continues to chase that elusive analog sound. I thought digital was better?

Before you all get your panties in a wad I enjoy both Digital and Analog but much rather listen to an analog source than digital.

So today I see  Innuos Introduces The PhoenixNET – A Network Switch For Audiophiles @ only $3500.00

Guess I do not see the point you can get superior sound for say $2500 or less with a decent turntable cartridge combo and phono stage. Hell Clear Audio has an all in one for $2500.

I just don’t get it and I do not care to either.
read notes on the album
2) read a biography of the musician(s)
3)find out what other albums they have out, who they were influenced mostly by and who followed them.

4) explore related artists.
 Can do all this on google for free also. 
The standard has, for decades now, been digital. 17-year-olds do not even know what you are talking about."


That’s hilarious. Kind of proves the point that analog is the standard digital attempts to copy.... flattery as its known.....
Something is wrong with this explanation. It has2be.

"But here is reality....most 17 year olds don’t know wt_ they are talking about let alone understand any of us.... head down face in the phone with ear buds on.....yeah ok....."

Maybe they would understand older people better....if older people made sense.


More your own rant void of anything more than slight....YOU are the older people not making sense...ironic

Go ahead....try and prove what I said that digital isn’t trying hard to be analog sounding by nature isn’t true. My digital spinner is an Esoteric so I’m not a non believer in digital...
But I’m not a dolt who can’t see (or hear ) that both industries have pushed the music to not sound like the 80’s roll out of digital. The best machines have always emulated that analog sound vinyl has and it’s non fatiguing quality. You see....your argument and slight is moot when it comes to those realities. You can argue your opinion all you want....and I’ll defend you to have it as well.
Because your opinion is choice....but you can’t change the fact of how we got here and why and what the optimal goal in sound is. The bar was just haven’t actually heard it I guess....

It may be the age difference between us that makes your posts logically incomprehensible. It is my fault for trying to understand them.

Your choice of a CD player is impressive, but has2be a little inconvenient when going around town. Being younger, I mostly use earphones.

Rare records pressed in 300-500 copies on private labels about 40 years ago, some of them cost now $300 - $1500 each and you will not find them in the shops like those junk pressed in million copies that still cost 50 cents. There are auctions for rare stuff and high demand is the reason of high price!

However, no matter how many copies pressed as long as it’s original press.

There are bootlegs and counterfeits in vinyl world too, but you can’t compare digital copy even to bootlegs or counterfeits on vinyl. Again: digital have NO VALUE!

If you think it’s time to sell vinyl now you can sell (if you have something really interesting someone willing to buy).

Record collectors always buying and selling records, making new discoveries of very rare and unknown tunes from the past.

It’s not about billboard top 100 or so called classics which is ok too.

It’s not even about quality at all, this is the reason vinyl is still there, not your audiophile crap.

Otherwise remastered digital files could be collectible and all old vinyl could be in the junk yard, but they are not! And VG original records are highly collectible and very expensive.

Record collectors are not audiophiles (most of them are not) ! It’s about music on original source that makes it highly collectible! It’s about real passion and good musical taste (most audiophiles have no taste in my opinion, music on hi-end shows is horrible, same tunes). 

Record collectors are hunting for unknown rare stuff and they want to have it on vinyl (the original press), they are aware of the free digital files, but they don’t care!

Records is investment even if you don’t want to invest, literally. Buying good original records you can’t loose. They will cost more anyway, this is what I mean and it’s a good feeling about your record collection (only if your wife will not sell them for the prices you mentioned especially for her:)) 

I have an extensive Vinyl collection of over 1500 jazz records mostly from the 50's and 60's and most all in VG+ or better condition. I probably spent well over 50K collecting them over the years and I still enjoy listening to them. The sound is different but no more or less enjoyable than good digital.
Analog system:
- Transrotor fat bob turntable
- Graham Phantom arm
- ZYX Airy 3 cartridge
- Plinius M14 phono stage
- LAMM LL2 pre amp
Digital system:
- Sound Science Music vault streamer
- PSAudio directstream DAC
- Plinius SA102 amp (both systems)
As far as collecting vinyl as an investment. Put your money in stocks!! I could not get a tiny fraction of what I have paid back in resale. My best original issue Blue Notes will fetch a few hundred each but things drop off very quickly from there - Let me know if you want to buy some I can send a list.