A question of loading...

I have just replaced my aging tube preamp with a new model. When I was using my older model with tube phono stage, I would run my Lyra Kleos and other MC cartridges with a load of 750 ohms. So, I assumed that with my new tube phono stage, which also utilizes a transformer in the phono stage and is also built into my new preamp, that the same cartridge loading would apply. I listened to the Kleos for about a week with this loading, and frankly, while it was fine, I wasn’t bowled over. Tonight I decided to experiment, so the first thing I did was to run the cartridge straight in, with no loading plugs. WOW, the increase in overall musicality and soundstage width was eye opening! Lesson learned is that not all gear is going to react the same when it comes to cartridge loading, particularly if there is a transformer involved and even if you are using the same cartridge from one phono stage to the next! An eye opener, anyone else experience something like this?
@rauliruegas  I have played around with the loading on several different MC's in the past..the results were not anything that could really be anticipated. BUT one thing that was never in question, was that the cartridge was mis-tracking in any way...which IME is very easy to hear! 
With my current Lyra, the tracking is spot on and is certainly not effected by the load applied at the phono stage, YMMV.
My hana el sounds its best at the recommended load of 400 ohms or close to that. Its currently hooked up to the Jensen sut which presents a 430 ohm load. Also perfect for my denon 103. My other sut is a rothwell with an effective load of 100 ohms, perfect for my other mc cartridges such as my goldring eroica lx and ortofon quintet bronze. I only use 47k ohms for my mm cartridges such as my 2m bronze or my om10 super. However, my phono preamp is of course currently set to mm at 47k ohm to accept the sut input.
Dear @daveyf  : Yes, any cartridge can't track the LP grooves in precise way but not for the loading but because all imperfections that the analog alternative has. Pivoted tonearms does not helps but increment the tracking problems and the LT too.

There are several threads where we discussed all what is happening down there at the stylus tip during playing and it's " terrible " for say the least.

MC are almost immune to impedance loading. Problem is not there, but yes a cartridge always performs with mistracking but if we can detect the mistracking in the cartridge play behavior then something is wrong in the overall set up or the cartridge tracking abilities are poor. Again, loading is out of that mistracking.

Even with all the analog alternative imperfections I know we have a lot of fun with or at least we are accustom to.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
In 2018 thread where wyn posted and before the first wyn post you posted not one but twice:

""" When you load at a very low value (like less than 100 ohms) its possible to reduce the cartridge output and also decrease high frequency tracking abilities. ( Btw, wyn runs his mandake at 60 ohms and performs fabolous. Obviously no tracking issues. )

"" the cartridge is asked to perform more work as it has to drive the lower resistance. This makes the cartridge cantilever stiffer and less able to track higher frequencies. This is why the resistor can act as a tone control. ""
Yes, and this is all correct. Note the use of 'is possible' in the first paragraph, and the use of 'can' in the second. These modifiers must be considered in the use of English as a language.
Other curious things that happened with you in those threads in 2018 is that in both threads JC participated and in both threads he not supported with a post the conversation you said took place in Munich when talked about that low load impedance consequences. Weird.
This is innuendo. Come up with a link- and I will talk to JCarr myself if he is denying that conversation took place, but I doubt that is the case- he's been pretty steadfast. What is more likely is you are using a logical fallacy or simply misunderstood due to the language barrier. The latter has happened before on other threads.
MC are almost immune to impedance loading.
Well it took a couple of years but we're finally in agreement- nice to see that you've come around.

Dear @daveyf  @fsonicsmith  and friends:  Why I don't took in count before:

in the thread where J.Carr shared his white papers ( load impedance/capacitance/inductance. ) and where he posted 6-7 times and in the Agon 2018 thread I mentioned J.Carr not even did mention about that cartridge mistracking behavior but he no where in any thread and certainly not in the WBT one J:Carr never mentioned not even near about that " increment of clicks and pops " ! ! !   GO figure  ""

That " clicks and pops " is a big and false tale/lie/disinformation/fraud or just name it as you want it.

Additional to that does not exist all over the internet any white papers about both subjects. DOES NOT EXIST NOTHING AT ALL ! ! !  No measures of any kind about even that in the two other threads and in this one some of us asked for and he just as always: dead silence because has nothing in hand that can prove it. Period and I mean it.

It's incredible to been discussing seriously both subjects and no one exist ! ! ! 

Next info is what J.Carr posted about the consequences that we can read in his white papers:

""  As most phono stages are designed are right now, the input resistor needs to serve two functions. The sonically dominating function is to make sure that the resonant ultrasonic spike isn't so large that it affects the behaviour of the phono stage. The sonically lesser function is to load the cartridge. I would like to see these two functions separated so that we can start discussing cartridge loading in terms of what it does for the cartridge, rather than as a phono stage band-aid in disguise.

How heavily contaminated (or not) your audio system's environment is by conducted and airborne noise in the frequency-peaking bands will also play a role.

 if some electronic component in your house is producing RF, this could preclude you from using higher resistive values for loading.  """

Now I can really laugh of that biggest audio " tale/lie " in the all audio history and now I understand why JC don't supported that man and his " tale ". Pity for say the least.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,