Good choice on the PL. Will be interesting to hear your thoughts. I think PL can be the tube gateway drug. At least it was for me. My tube journey started with PL then to a Line Magnetic LM508 and now with a Canary M90. Also tried amps from Odyssey, Peachtree, Van Alstine, PS Audio, Linear Tube Audio, and a small tube integrated from Tektron along the way.
All good, and sometimes great, but I'm considering going back to a PL Evo300 amp. Before I do I have a used Mastersound EL-34 integrated on the way that I want to use while my preamp gets serviced. I've also been wanting to check out Mastersound so this will be a good time to do it. It might end up staying in my main system or office. However, my wife keeps telling me her favorite overall was the Primaluna, and she has better hearing than me. I also thought I could live with that amp forever and be happy. For some reason, while other amps have sounded better in some ways, none have given me the enjoyment that my PL did. Maybe it was because it was my first tube amp and my "benchmark," so in the end I may end up pretty much back where I started.