Funny how streaming/digital still chases that analog benchmark.

Funny how manufacturers of streaming and digital gear continues to chase that elusive analog sound. I thought digital was better?

Before you all get your panties in a wad I enjoy both Digital and Analog but much rather listen to an analog source than digital.

So today I see  Innuos Introduces The PhoenixNET – A Network Switch For Audiophiles @ only $3500.00

Guess I do not see the point you can get superior sound for say $2500 or less with a decent turntable cartridge combo and phono stage. Hell Clear Audio has an all in one for $2500.

I just don’t get it and I do not care to either.

And yet another assumption by Goopson.....your blinders at your age are remarkable...
More insults no meat....we’re not talking about how good headphones are ..... which by the way..
The old relics of the seventies for headphones were quite good...just somewhat less portable and less likely to be fed over compressed hs.......
So your so in tune with 17 year olds eh...Goopson....wonder why that is... funny you still use insults to respond back to the sarcasm, sent in reply to your own insults...predictable. ....
But no metric on the context can’t see the question till you move your self bias out of the answer.....
So what amazingly produced music are 17 year olds listening to these days....Since you seem to know....I’d ask my 4 kids or their six kids....but you seem to have assumed you and you alone are all knowing...... Which is actually impossible when your being so dismissive. .... in fact so much still can’t see the context or the appreciation I alluded to.....are you 17.... that would explain a lot...or just so in tune you beleive your above us all....that also would explain more and much more plausable. ......
No wonder all those true knowledgeable guys that once flourished here don’t post anymore.....I mean with guys like you....why would they...

@ bluemood

I can relate. I have a daughter into vinyl as well. I also learn from her and my others the newest forms and ways. I agree we can learn from them.... but I must also seems more a rarity in general now to observe it.....sadly....


If you can hear the needle tracking from your seated listening position....their is nothing wrong with your ears...
Now your ability to properly set up and play vinyl without the noise. ...thats on you...
Digital is good so is convenience....but dismissing something you didn't master isn't quite the same argument. Its just reassuring yourself on why you chose digital....and that's a reasonable choice...
Too many of us have very quiet playing analog front ends to make your experience the norm...
The important thing is, choice. That's what is so good about this Era. 
As with many things in life, it's not that black and white (vinyl vs. digital and which is best). If you had an unlimited system budget and >= $20K for your source component budget and assuming high quality material then vinyl (IME) can be superior under these conditions. But, for the vast majority of us where your source budget is 2 - 3 $ figures digital is superior. Reason being that digital has had less than half the time vinyl has had to develop and mature so the best of the best remains vinyl however digital is catching up. Also, notice how I said vinyl and not analog since the best R2R beats the best vinyl (IME). Ultimately, it's nice to have so many choices in formats with tons of new and remastered music available, a great time to be an audiophile!
Skypunk.....nice house. I had a thorens td150 until the motor died. My speakers are audio nirvana super 15 alnico full range drivers in ported bass reflex cabs almost as big as I am. I haven't heard anything yet that tops them and I  am including Wilson My forever speakers.

I'll  go back to analog when I can surf from my laptop or can afford a lacky to clean and flip records for me...

go ahead and kick me to the curb for being a lazy ass