In general you do not need a lot of watts with more efficient speakers.
I have not heard any high efficiency speakers that I could afford or even want to yet that equals the best I have heard in general. For me, the key is find the right speakers that meet your tastes and integrate well into your room and then get the right amp to drive them properly. I would not worry too much about efficiency as a prime determining factor. Even the least efficient speakers out there today can be driven well by newer high efficiency amp designs like Class D/Icepower. The results if done right can be on par with the best I have heard out there.
I have not heard any high efficiency speakers that I could afford or even want to yet that equals the best I have heard in general. For me, the key is find the right speakers that meet your tastes and integrate well into your room and then get the right amp to drive them properly. I would not worry too much about efficiency as a prime determining factor. Even the least efficient speakers out there today can be driven well by newer high efficiency amp designs like Class D/Icepower. The results if done right can be on par with the best I have heard out there.