Cartridge suggestions for...

Kuzma 4Point9 arm. What have you found to work well? How are the Kuzma CAR cartridges compared to others?
The Etna has a more "airy" sound to it and goes down deeper but the Art 1000 has a special euphonic/liquid character to it and it is lightening quick. Still has plenty of dynamics. At half the cost of the Etna I would consider it a very cost effective choice.  My Sonic Labs would be another suggestion. 
How do others think about Soundsmith?  The Paua mkII or even their Hyperion. 
Whatever you want to buy, find out how easy it is to replace the stylus.  If there is just one dealer who can do it and they go out of business, you will regret it.

If you have a phono section that can handle low output MC, do try to hear Allnic Amber

The cartridge compliance matters or else you will deal with unwanted resonance. You need to know the effective mass of the tonearm. You must also know the mass of the cartridge plus the hardware, as well as the compliance value. Plug these numbers into the calculator....

Upon doing this, compile a list of the cartridges that fall within the acceptable resonance parameters and choose from there. You will see that the resonance should fall somewhere between 8-11 or 12 hz to work well with your arm.
Generally speaking, a low compliance cartridge works better with a high mass arm, and a high compliance cartridge works better with a lower mass arm.