Efficient speakers with high powered ss amp?

Relative newbie here, so forgive me for the stupid question. I'm wondering if, in general, it's a mistake to mix 100 watt+ per channel amplifiers with efficient speakers. I know that low powered tube amps need efficient speakers, but do efficient speakers then necessarily perform better with less watts?

I'm looking for speakers that would be a good match for my Odyssey Khartago, and have always been under the impression that higher efficiency speakers are better than inefficient speakers. Would a 98db, 200 watt speaker be ok with the 110 watts per channel Khartago, or should I look for something less efficient.

Apologies, I tried using the search function to look this topic up, but didn't get any results, so I appreciate your thoughts and advice.
Thanks for the thoughts on the Lores. With his feedback in mind, I think I'll give them a shot. I'd like to move into tubes next time I revamp my system, so the Lores give this option. Sounds like they're pretty flexible speakers.

Thanks all for the education and advice.

I think Zu or Tekton would be a good choice for solid state amps and both designs tend to really shine with some serious watts.
Tekton has a new model, the Lore-s, which Eric Alexander tells me has a sensitivity of 93-94 db. This sounds like a better speaker for my system, since they are not quite as efficient as the original lores, but still efficient enough that I can use them with tubes at some point. Eric also said they are more resolving than the original Lores with a more hi-fi sound to them. I'm glad I waited to place my order, as he just came out with these within the last couple of weeks.

Thanks again for your advice, all.