Cube Audio Nenuphar Single Driver Speaker (10 inch) TQWT Enclosure

Cube Audio (Poland) designs single drivers and single driver speakers. 

Principals are Grzegorz Rulka and Marek Kostrzyński.

Link to the Cube Audio Nenuphar (with F10 Neo driver) speaker page:

Link to 6Moons review by Srajan Ebaen (August 2018):


Parameters (from Cube Audio):

Power: 40 W

Efficiency: 92 dB

Frequency response: 30Hz - 18kHz ( 6db)*

Dimensions: 30 x 50 x 105 cm

Weight: 40 Kg

* Frequency response may vary and depends on room size and accompanying electronic equipment.

Yes, your memory serves you well.  Straight up the VR L2i-SE was a step above every other pre+amp combo I'd tried with the Nenuphars. Adding the resistors improved the bass and added more presence and air.  As so often the case in this hobby, you can't imagine the improvement until you hear it.
Thanks for the kind works, @charles1dad - I’ve really tried to be honest and level with folks about what I hear without reviewer-speak. I’d love to report back on the Cubes, but would have to fly to Chicago or NY to demo. I’m a bit concerned about rock/electronica on them per Srajans comments, but have considered purchasing a pair with return policy. Recently, I very much enjoyed the efficient Fynes at a much higher price point. 
Hello Keith, 
You are welcome.  By chance have you heard any Horning Audio speakers? I heard their Euphrodite model about 6 years ago at CES in the High Water Sound room and liked them quite a bit. Just curious on your take.
Heard them at shows only and didn’t leave any real kind of impression. I’ve heard they can shout at higher volumes so may not be for me - I was jamming Daft Punk in the 90s last night :) 

I tried to hear the Cessaro Wagner at Jeff’s, but he cancelled due to just getting back from Axpona the week before. I was bummed. 
 I heard a Cessaro speaker in Jeff's (High Water Sound)  room driven by Tron components back around 2013.  I don't recall the specific model (Fairly large size and expensive ) but the overall sound was exceptionally good. 

When I heard the Horning Euphrodite they were driven by the Electra-Print DRD SET amplifier . Jeff was playing really good quality vinyl jazz at a reasonable sound level.  Beautiful and with a very tactile/presence character. 