Need Advice on a DAC for my Music Server?

I live in the Dallas, TX area and i can't really find way here to audition any dac. Currently i'm currently rig = merdian 506.24 cdp>naim amp>wilson benesch Curve. I'm pretty happy with this setup. I've been using a theta pro II Dac with my mac (apple lossless) and m-audio usb through s/pdif. The does not sound as good as my CDP player. I'm thinking about purchasing a new dac. I've read alot about many dacs and would like to spend about 1500 USD. To give a idea of my listening prefrence, i really like the sound of the naim cdp. I've heard alot about the bel canto dac2 and the benchmark dac1.

As mention above, i can't audition can anyone recomend me which is better suited for me or maybe somethng else. I just don't want to buy and return things over the mail.

Lossless PC music is still compressed and won't come close to your Naim no matter what DAC you use except maybe for a Nagra, DCS, or Bermeister. (none of these can be had for $1500 except for the remote).

The bel canto dac2 is bright and lean so I wouldn't suggest that. You could try to find a Datson that is real good but I don't think your source will justify that.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't apple lossless files the same as say a aiff or a wav?
My understanding is that Lossless is not actually compressed. It is smaller than a regular file but that does not mean the music is compressed. Others who know more than I do have written about this on other threads here with more sophistication, but, my understanding is that a bit for bit rip of a song from CD contains a lot of empty space that is not necessary for accurate reproduction. The lossless schemes have found a way of removing the empty space without removing the vital data. I have read articles where reviewers have made bit for bit comparisons and found the lossless schemes to be bit perfect. So, I disagree with Duane's statment. Lossless files through a DAC in your price range can sound great.
No, you're correct. Even lossy compression is digitally output as PCM data. The server uncompresses the files before they are output.
It is my understanding that lossless is still compressed using a larger algorithms and taking advantage of newer more powerful PC's. It is also compressing less by only eliminating subtle reflected sound of low signals during passages when there is a lot of information or significantly loud music. This is how it was explained to me by an engineer at BAT anyways. If I am off track please let me know. I do hear a difference between an original and Media Player 10 with lossless settings.