
Discussions tutordennis has started

Modding the Consonance cd-120 linear52253
Albert Porter's Lenco678711
Juicy Music pCat users--Tell me about your amps44034
Electronluv. Has anyone experienced these?27542
Brinkmann Oasis?41141
Garrott P77 with Decca international arm?36855
Has anyone heard the Meadowlark American E?25641
Modern carts based on ortofon spu?29772
Kharmas with Atma-Sphere30704
Cartridge matching for NAD c160/c162?74902
Signal Cable Silver Resolution1385711
Is there a fully balanced 6sn7 preamp?50274
Narrow tuner.39337
I need audition advice465710
What is it about the SET architecture?26123